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5 Signs of a Successful Sales Funnel (Plus Metrics!)

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, a successful sales funnel is crucial to the success of any company. 

A sales funnel is a step-by-step process that guides potential customers through a journey, starting from awareness and ending with conversion. A well-designed sales funnel can help businesses acquire new customers and retain them for a long time, increasing the customer lifetime value (CLTV) as time goes on.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss five signs of a successful sales funnel and the metrics you can use to measure their success and spot red flags. 

The Purpose of a Sales Funnel

The main purpose of a sales funnel is, quite simply, to guide potential customers through a journey that leads to a sale. It is a way to visualize and optimize the customer journey and ensure that each stage of the process is as effective as possible. The ultimate goal of a sales funnel is to increase revenue and profitability for the business.

Sales Funnel Stages

A typical sales funnel consists of four stages:

  • Awareness: The customer becomes aware of the brand, product, or service through marketing efforts such as social media, search engine optimization, or advertising.
  • Interest: The customer shows interest in the brand, product, or service by visiting the website, downloading a free resource, or signing up for a newsletter.
  • Decision: The customer considers purchasing the product or service and evaluates the options available.
  • Action: The customer takes action and makes a purchase.

The success of a sales funnel can be measured by various key performance indicators (KPIs). Let’s take a look at some of the most important metrics to track and optimize.

5 KPIs to Measure Sales Funnel Health

Sometimes intuition simply isn’t enough, especially when dealing with something as important as your marketing and sales processes. Sure, you may have a hunch regarding what’s working and what’s not working, but nothing tells the truth more clearly than cold, hard numbers. Here are 5 of the top metrics to measure when it comes to assessing the health of your sales funnel. 

5 Kpis To Measure Sales Funnel Health

1. Lead to Prospect Conversion Ratio

The lead-to-prospect conversion ratio is a critical metric that measures the percentage of leads that have advanced to become prospects. A high conversion ratio indicates that the business is successfully nurturing leads and moving them through the sales funnel.

Calculating the lead-to-prospect conversion ratio is a simple process that involves dividing the number of prospects by the number of leads and multiplying the result by 100. For example, if a business has 100 leads and 20 of them have become prospects, the conversion ratio would be 20%.

How to Optimize Lead-to-Prospect Conversion Ratio

To optimize the lead-to-prospect conversion ratio, businesses must focus on providing value to leads by using educational content, personalized messaging, and a smooth user experience. Here are a few strategies to consider:

  • Create educational content: Creating educational content, such as blog posts, whitepapers, and webinars, can help to position a business as an authority in its industry and provide value to potential customers. By offering educational content that addresses the needs and pain points of their target audience, businesses can nurture leads and encourage them to take the next step.
  • Personalize messaging: Personalizing messaging and communication to each lead can help to build a connection and make them feel valued. Using automation tools to personalize communication based on user behavior, preferences, and interests can improve the likelihood of conversion.
  • Optimize the user experience: An optimized user experience is essential to guide leads through the sales funnel. This includes designing a smooth user interface, providing clear calls to action, and ensuring that the website is mobile-friendly.
  • Use lead magnets: Offering lead magnets, such as whitepapers or free trials, can incentivize prospects to take the next step in the funnel. This can increase the lead-to-prospect conversion ratio by encouraging prospects to engage further with the business.

By providing value to leads, personalizing messaging, optimizing the user experience, and using lead magnets, businesses can nurture leads and increase the likelihood of conversion.

2. Cost-per-Lead/Acquisition Cost

The acquisition cost is an important metric to track because it can significantly impact the profitability of a sales funnel. A high acquisition cost can reduce the return on investment of marketing and sales efforts, making it more difficult to achieve profitability.

According to one study, the average cost per lead ranges from $31 to as high as $208. However, this can vary widely depending on the industry and the type of marketing channel used. For example, the average cost per lead for B2B companies using LinkedIn ads is $47. However, the average cost per lead for B2C companies using Google Ads is $48.

Successful Sales Funnel: Cost-Per-Lead/Acquisition Cost

How to Optimize Acquisition Cost

To optimize the acquisition cost, it’s important to focus on the most effective marketing channels and tactics. A study by the Content Marketing Institute found that the most effective B2B content marketing tactics are in-person events, webinars/webcasts, and case studies. For B2C companies, the most effective tactics are social media, email marketing, and video.

Using data analytics can help businesses to track the performance of their marketing campaigns and adjust them as needed. For example, using A/B testing to compare the performance of different ad variations or landing pages can help to identify the most effective tactics. It’s important to regularly review and update marketing campaigns to ensure that they remain effective and efficient.

Another way to optimize the acquisition cost is to use lead scoring to identify the most promising leads and prioritize them in the sales efforts. By assigning a score to each lead based on their behavior, demographics, and engagement with the brand, businesses can focus their resources on the most likely to convert. This can help to reduce the cost of acquiring new customers while improving the overall effectiveness of the sales funnel.

Lead Scoring For Acquisition Breadcrumbs


Lead Scoring for Acquisition

Learn how to use lead scoring to find more demos, product signups, and sales opportunities.

Businesses should also take into account the pricing models of the agencies and vendors they work with. Some agency pricing models can play a significant role in either raising or lowering cost-per-lead and, in turn, customer acquisition costs. It’s important to be aware of how an agency prices its services and what formula works best for your business. 

Tracking the acquisition cost is crucial for businesses that want to maximize the profitability of their sales funnel. By focusing on the most effective marketing channels and tactics, using data analytics to track performance, and using lead scoring to prioritize leads, businesses can reduce the cost of acquiring new customers while improving the effectiveness of their sales funnel.

3. Sale Velocity

The sale velocity metric is an important KPI that measures how quickly a lead moves through the sales funnel, indicating the overall efficiency of the sales process. According to research by Insidesales.com, a fast sale velocity can help sales teams to achieve higher win rates and improve overall revenue growth.

Calculating sale velocity involves dividing the total revenue generated by the number of days in the sales cycle. For example, if a company generates $10,000 in revenue over a 30-day sales cycle, the sale velocity would be $333 per day. A higher sale velocity means that the company is generating revenue faster, indicating that the sales process is effective.

How to Optimize Sale Velocity

To optimize the sale velocity, businesses must identify and eliminate any bottlenecks that slow down the sales process. Common bottlenecks include slow response times, unclear communication, and ineffective lead nurturing. The Harvard Business Review recommends a few strategies to speed up the sales process, such as:

  • Creating a sense of urgency: Sales teams can use scarcity, time-bound promotions, and other tactics to create a sense of urgency among potential customers, which can speed up the decision-making process.
  • Prioritizing high-value leads: By identifying and prioritizing high-value leads, sales teams can focus their efforts on the most promising opportunities and reduce time wasted on low-value prospects.
  • Simplifying the sales process: A complicated and time-consuming sales process can drive away potential customers. Simplifying the sales process and making it easy for customers to make a purchase can speed up the sale velocity.

Automation tools and workflows can also be used to streamline the sales process and save time. A study by Nucleus Research found that sales automation tools can increase productivity by up to 14.5% and reduce sales cycle times by up to 12.2%. Automation tools can be used to automate lead nurturing, manage follow-up tasks, and provide real-time analytics on the performance of the sales process.

By identifying and eliminating bottlenecks in the sales process, prioritizing high-value leads, and using automation tools to streamline the process, businesses can speed up the sale velocity and achieve higher win rates and revenue growth.

4. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

The customer lifetime value (CLV) metric is a key indicator of the long-term profitability of a business. It measures the total amount of revenue a customer is expected to generate over their lifetime, making it an important metric for customer retention strategies. According to Business News Daily, increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can increase profits by 25% to 95%.

Calculating the CLV involves multiplying the average purchase value by the average purchase frequency rate and then multiplying that by the average customer lifespan. For example, if a business’s average purchase value is $50, the average purchase frequency rate is 2 times per year, and the average customer lifespan is 3 years, the CLV would be $300.

How to Optimize CLV

To optimize the CLV, businesses must focus on building long-term relationships with customers and providing exceptional customer service. Here are a few strategies to consider:

  • Offer loyalty programs: Loyalty programs can incentivize customers to return and make repeat purchases. In fact, customers who participate in a loyalty program spend 18% more on average than customers who don’t.
  • Personalize recommendations: By analyzing customer behavior and preferences, businesses can provide personalized product recommendations that are more likely to result in a purchase. Personalized product recommendations can also help to build customer loyalty and increase CLV.
  • Provide exceptional customer service: Exceptional customer service can help to build trust and loyalty with customers, leading to repeat business and higher CLVs. As it turns out, 52% of customers are willing to pay more for a positive customer service experience.

By focusing on strategies that build long-term relationships with customers, such as offering loyalty programs, personalizing recommendations, providing exceptional customer service, and using customer feedback, businesses can increase the CLV and maximize their profitability.

5. Conversion Rate

The conversion rate is one of the most important metrics in sales and marketing, as it measures the percentage of leads that actually convert into paying customers. According to a study by WordStream, the average conversion rate across all industries is around 3%, although this can vary significantly depending on the industry and type of product or service.

Calculating the conversion rate is straightforward: it involves dividing the number of conversions by the number of leads and multiplying the result by 100. For example, if a business has 100 leads and 10 of them become paying customers, the conversion rate would be 10%.

How to Optimize Conversion Rate

To optimize the conversion rate, businesses must focus on optimizing each stage of the sales funnel. Here are a few strategies to consider:

  • Optimize landing pages: Landing pages are often the first point of contact between a potential customer and a business. Therefore, businesses must ensure that their landing pages are well-designed, load quickly, and contain compelling content that addresses the needs and pain points of their target audience. According to a HubSpot study, businesses with more than 40 landing pages generate 7x the leads than those with fewer than 5 landing pages.
  • Use clear calls-to-action (CTAs): CTAs are an essential part of any landing page or marketing campaign, as they encourage visitors to take the next step. To optimize conversion rates, businesses should use clear, concise, and compelling CTAs that make it easy for visitors to take action.
  • Test and refine: Testing different variations of landing pages, CTAs, and other elements of the sales funnel can help to identify what works best. A/B testing can be used to compare different variations and determine which ones are most effective at converting leads into customers.
  • Follow-up and nurture leads: Not all leads will convert immediately. By following up with leads and nurturing them through the sales funnel, businesses can increase the likelihood of conversion. A study by Forrester Research shows that lead nurturing can lower the cost-per-lead by up to 33% and generate up to 50% more sales leads. 

Optimizing the conversion rate is crucial for businesses that want to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their sales funnel. By focusing on optimizing landing pages, using clear CTAs, testing and refining the sales funnel, and nurturing leads, businesses can improve the conversion rate and generate more revenue.

Create a Successful Funnel Today

A successful sales funnel is essential to the success of any business. Businesses can ensure that their sales funnel is operating at peak efficiency by tracking and optimizing key performance indicators such as the lead-to-prospect conversion ratio, acquisition cost, sale velocity, customer lifetime value, and conversion rate. Businesses can maximize revenue and profitability by focusing on providing value to customers and building long-term relationships. 

Whether you’re a marketing or sales professional, tracking these metrics can help you understand the health of your sales funnel and make data-driven decisions to optimize its performance.

Lead scoring is a great tool to help you prioritize leads for follow-up and create a successful funnel. Grab your free Breadcrumbs account and incorporate lead scoring into your sales process.

Ryan Gould

About the author

Ryan Gould, Vice President of Strategy and Marketing Services, Elevation Marketing

​​From legacy Fortune 100 institutions to inventive start-ups, Ryan Gould brings extensive experience with a wide range of B2B clients. As the Vice President of Strategy and Marketing Services at Elevation Marketing, he skillfully architects and manages the delivery of integrated marketing programs. He strongly believes in strategy, not just tactics, that effectively align sales and marketing teams within organizations.

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